Hello there! Today’s post will be about geometric tattoos!
They are beautiful and hypnotic!
I really love these geometrical shapes tattoos! I hope that you love them too! Enjoy!
1. Mandala geometric back tattoo by friedrichuebler
2. Geometric hexagon sleeve tattoo idea by jessimanchester
3. Geometric triangle landscapes by bicemsinik
4. Geometric hexagon arm tattoo by oddtattooer
5. Coverup sacred geometric back tattoo by oddtattooer
6. Geometric peacock feather tattoo by roxx_____
7. Geometric hand tattoo by matteonangeroni
8. Geometric triangle eye tattoo by matteonangeroni
9. Geometric arm tattoo with alchemy linework by matteonangeroni
10. Geometric split body fox tattoo by yershova_anna
11. Geometric half fox head arm tattoo by yershova_anna
12. Geometric Studio Ghibli arm tattoo by violette_bleunoir
If you love Miyazaki’s body of work and want to see more anime inspired tattoos, then you’ll be delighted with these 36 studio ghibli tattoo ideas! Check them out!
13. Mandala sacred geometric foots tattoos by alex_arnautov
14. Geometric patterns body tattoos by alex_arnautov
15. Geometric hands tattoo by alex_arnautov
16. Geometric lion head linework tattoo by ira_shmarinova
17. Geometric wave circle arm tattoo by okanuckun
18. Geometric birds arms couple tattoos by mark_ostein
19. Geometric landscape arm tattoo by mark_ostein
20. Geometric butterfly back tattoo by dogma_noir
21. Geometric ornament arm tattoo by dogma_noir
22. Geometric nature shapes arm tattoo by mark_ostein
23. Geometric mandala neck-back tattoo
I hope you enjoyed this selection of tattoos!